the mental resistance that leads to paralysis

I am having a hard time in this moment.  I am about to take the “Under Construction” page off my website to expose it to the world.  I am terrified.  I want everyone to like my website.  I want people to visit regularly and to get value from my blog.  I am petrified of screwing up, being boring, coming off as too stuffy or too professional, or even worse, too casual.  I am worried about protecting my reputation.  In short, I am worried about showing myself to the world because I want to get everything just right.  I want others to think well of me.

How do I overcome this resistance I’m facing?  It is an inward battle that has the power to keep me paralyzed and powerless for an infinite amount of time.  One thing I can do is to push forward with actions that make me feel very uncomfortable—that means taking the Under Construction page down now, and sitting in that uncomfortable feeling.  Another thing I can do is to start journalling  about this resistance—a very helpful exercise I learned when I was in the throws of writing my thesis paper.  Acknowledging that the resistance is there somehow makes it less scary.  Another exercise I can think of is to connect with my values and see if my resistance feeds those values or moves me away from them.  Two things I really value in my life are connecting with others and being authentic.  Feeding my mental resistance by waiting until the conditions are perfect (will they ever be perfect?) certainly takes me further away from connection with others and authenticity. 

I think I will take my own advice and take action now.  I am certain that sharing my work with the world will get easier the more I practice.  Thanks for reading!

Until next time,



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