taking inventory: a mindfulness exercise

Most of us wish to live our lives more mindfully -- that is, paying attention to what is going on in the here and now rather than the past or future.  In this post, I am giving you instructions for a short exercise you can do every day this month.  Tag me on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #takinginventory and we'll do it together!


Why practice mindfulness? 


Being mindful brings you to the here and now, to what is happening inside you and in front of you.  When you are mindful, you are not living in the past or worrying about the future.  You are living in the now.  Being mindful can ease depression and anxiety.  Being mindful can help you enjoy your life more.  Being mindful can enhance the relationships that matter most to you.    


Following is an exercise you can practice to build mindfulness into your day.  It’s called “Taking Inventory.”  Just like you would take inventory of the items in a store, you can take inventory of yourself.  When you take inventory of a store, it helps you know where you’re at – how many of each thing you have, what you’re out of, and what you need to order.  You can match up the inventory with your sales and see if the numbers match up.  Taking inventory gives you important information you need to move forward.   It’s the same with taking inventory of yourself.  You can do this exercise anytime and anywhere, without anyone even knowing.  This exercise will help bring your attention to what is happening right in front of you and likely will help you feel better because self-awareness often has that effect. 


The three things you will take inventory of are your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.  This exercise can take as little as a minute or two.


Thoughts: Scan your mind and notice your thoughts.  One way you can do this is to think or say to yourself, “I’m having the thought that…”.  Think about what thoughts you’re having or write them down.  


Feelings: What emotion(s) are you feeling right now?  Are you happy, bored, sad, angry, tired, frustrated, ecstatic, shy, self-conscious, etc.?  Try to pinpoint how you feel in this moment.


Bodily sensations: Go inside your body and do a quick scan.  What is happening in your body?  Are there butterflies?  Tightness?  A pit in your stomach?  Heaviness in your chest?  A headache?  Sore shoulders?  Blisters on your feet?  Sore eyes?  Are you cold?  Warm?  Hot? 


That's it.  After you take inventory, simply move on with your day.


If you are reading this today, it is August 1st.  I am challenging myself to take inventory at least once a day this month and I challenge you to do the same!  If you are up to the challenge, tag me on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #takinginventory each time you do it!  Let’s start a mindfulness revolution!


Until next time,



Individual and couple’s counselling for those in the Westshore – serving Langford, Colwood, Metchosin, Sooke, and all of Greater Victoria

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