Walking the middle path with food and your weight

The middle path is the path between ALL and NOTHING.  It is tempting to go all in with your progress and strive for perfection with your plan, your weekends, your behaviors, and your thoughts. When you fall short of perfect, it is tempting to think some version of “fuck it”, “screw it”, or “I may as well throw in the towel” and swing to the other extreme of eating all the things with abandon.  This is ALL or NOTHING thinking.


Middle path work is when you think and do things that are not perfect but not off the rails either.  Notice your thoughts about this.  You may think that walking the middle path is not productive or won’t get results or is not good enough.  You may think that walking the middle path is not 'gold standard'.  You may think that walking the middle path is failing.


It’s interesting to notice these thoughts and where they lead.  Often they lead to tightening up in perfectionism which always backfires eventually.  The backfire happens when you end up eating all the things.  In retrospect, the middle path seems like a great option.


The middle path is not popular for many because it feels uncomfortable not to do things perfectly.  Somewhere in our brains is the notion that to get results, we must do everything perfectly.  So when we flub up (e.g. deviate from what we planed to eat or drink), it feels uncomfortable to sit in the aftermath.  You try to erase the discomfort by thinking, “Fuck it, I’ll just eat everything.”  That numbs out the discomfort for awhile until eventually you’re sitting in even more discomfort.


Your work is to walk the middle path.  To stand yourself exactly as you are, whether you’ve had an on-plan day, a slightly off-plan meal or day, or a full-on binge.  Can you stand not being a “perfect” weight today?  Can you stand yourself in the aftermath of overeating?  Can you stand squarely in the 'mess', shoulders back and head up?  Can you stand yourself when you’re not perfect, or now do you have to beat yourself up, fast until dinner, restrict your food, overexercise, and do all kinds of crazy all or nothings?  Will you perpetuate the loop or crazy or cut it off?


You cut it off when you exercise bravery and courage by standing in the beautiful mess in full light.  How does it feel to stand naked in the light of day in all of your perfect imperfection?  What does the light reveal?  The light reveals what’s already there.  It just that the light helps you see.  When you see, you can move forward.  When you can’t see, you can’t move forward.

Until next time,



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