
Moderation365 is a solution and education for those who are obsessed with food and caught in the ups and downs of diet mentality.   The purpose of this education is to even out the highs and lows of your eating so that you eat the same every day of the week, whether it's Saturday or Monday.  No more Monday morning food hangovers or "tightening up" your diet from completely overdoing it on the weekend.

If you tend to binge then restrict...

If you are tired of dieting and achieving no long term results...

If you think about food more than you'd like...

If you are obsessed with counting calories, macros, and following food rules...and tired of it all...

This course is for you.

Moderation365 is NOT about losing weight or counting/measuring anything.  It's NOT about restricting "bad" foods and eating "healthier" foods.  This course goes beyond food behaviours into the psychology of how you THINK about food and your body.  If you THINK you can never eat certain foods (or only eat them on special occasions), you WILL overdo it, driving yourself into overindulgence. Similarly, when you binge on foods you tell yourself you can't have, you WILL drive yourself into deprivation.  The see-saw back and forth between deprivation and overindulgence can feel so discouraging and disempowering for those who just want to feel peaceful around food.

What is the solution then?

Moderation.  What is moderation?  A feeling.  What feeling is that?  Satisfaction.  Satisfaction doesn't feel deprived.  It doesn't feel stuffed.  It feels satisfied.  In this program, you will learn a whole new way to be with your body and food with this feeling at top of mind.  The result?  No more see-sawing between feeling deprived and stuffed.  No more extreme highs and lows with food.  Peace.

This is not just a "feel your way into it" and "eat whatever you want" type of program. There are specific ways we quantify moderation in this course. We use specific, measurable tools. We learn and solidify mindsets that help us stay out of binge-deprive cycles.  The result?  A consistent, less rollercoaster-y relationship with food.  Inner peace.

Moderation365 consists of four cornerstones which form the acronym MADD:

  1. Moderation:  Moderation is not an amount or a specific food.  It is a FEELING, and that feeling is satisfaction, both physical and psychological.  You will learn how to gauge satisfaction and capture it at each and every meal.
  2. Mindfulness:  Mindfulness simply means paying attention.  You will learn specific tools for paying attention to your hunger, fullness, cravings, and energy.  In addition, you will learn to honor how you feel.  Mindfulness is the most tricky component to master, but the one that makes everything else work.
  3. Abundance:  What food narratives do you have?  Most who struggle with food are in scarcity mindset.  They may think some foods are off limits.  They are worried they won't get enough.  They are scared of missing out on special occasions or social situations.  Scarcity thinking drives the ups and downs with food.  In this program, we build an abundance mindset which says that any food is available at any time in any amount.
  4. Daily Nutritional Commitments (DNCs): Chances are, there are food behaviours you are already doing daily that are easy, enjoyable, and effective.  We will solidify these.

The format

This course runs for 12 weeks.  We meet one-on-one (in person or on video) for up to 45 minutes per week.  Each of our sessions will contain some teaching and a lot talking about your current wins and struggles.  You will have unlimited access to me by text and/or email during the week.

Breakdown of the course:

Weeks 1/2: Introduction to the Deprivation Indulgence Scale (DIS)

  • Skill: Navigating the middle between feelings of deprivation and feelings of overindulgence every time you eat.

Weeks 3/4: Total Mental Load & Daily Nutritional C0mmitments (DNCs)

  • Skills: Discerning what food "rules" are important vs. not important.
  • Solidifying your three DNCs and implementing them.

Weeks 5/6: Revisiting the Deprivation Indulgence Scale (DIS), Moderation, & Satisfaction

  • Skills: How to increase the satisfaction factor of every meal.
  • Using the richness-volume scale.
  • Preemptive cheats (a.k.a. nutritional relief).

Weeks 7/8/9: Mindfulness, Exposure Therapy, & Intermittent Sampling

  • Skills: Using the food awareness spectrum.
  • Alarm or Post-it alerts.
  • Exposure Therapy & Intermittent Sampling.
  • Eating to 80% fullness.

Weeks 10/11: Abundance Mindset & Old Food Narratives

  • Skills: Uncovering old food narratives & introduction to abundance mentality.
  • Sharing food.
  • Choices vs. Decisions (knowing yourself vs. being at the mercy of a situation).

Week 12: Food Peer Pressure, Pushers, & Calorie Matching

  • Skills: The Power Lead.
  • Ownership (the tool to deter negativity & dissipate shame).

If this information has piqued your interest, contact me for a consult and let's see if you are the right fit for this course!