self-compassion and the seven caring habits

How have you been treating yourself lately?  In a recent blog post I introduced the seven deadly habits and the seven caring habits in the context of how we treat others.  You can also read this post about using the habits to relate to teens.  It recently dawned on me that these habits are just as important when it comes to your relationship with yourself.


Again, here are the seven deadly habits:









To what degree do you use these habits on yourself as you go about your day?  Are your thoughts, feelings, and self-talk of a critical nature?  Do you spend the majority of the day beating yourself up? I encourage you to pay attention and take note of your internal dialogue. 


Here are the seven caring habits:







Negotiating differences


In what ways are you your biggest ally and support?  If your default self-talk is of a critical, blaming, or complaining nature, take a moment to think about how you can make space to listen, trust, accept, support, and encourage yourself.  What benefit is this to you?  You will enjoy your life more.  You will do things you never thought possible because you have the support of the community closest to you: you.  And, what a relief it is not to be in constant hostility with yourself.  You can pour the energy you save into things matter to you, things that enhance your life and the lives of those around you. 


Here’s to living a life full of purpose, love, and meaning.  It all starts with the way you treat yourself.


Until next time,



Counselling Services in the Westshore

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