What is your priority: Your recovery from binge eating or weight loss?
If you struggle with binge eating, the focus on weight loss makes it worse.
The thought, "I need to lose weight" likely makes you feel sad, urgent, and anxious.
From sad, urgent, and anxious energy, here's how you act: You overeat and it turns into a binge. Your brain gives you all kinds of thoughts like, "Why bother?" and "I'll start tomorrow."
You create the result of weight gain and you reinforce the thought "I need to lose weight."
When you work with me, we treat recovery from binge eating. Period. In the process your body weight will drop, but that is never the focus. We stay off the scale. We fix the brain. We focus on the magical trifecta that makes all of this possible -- neuroscience, support, and psychology. We become excellent at not binge eating. We build habits. We create a brain wired for success.
The weight takes care of itself, it really does. But if you focus on it, it doesn't. It's the weirdest thing.
Where will you place your focus?
Do you have the willingness to step from diet mentality into recovery mentality?
I'd love to help you. My next six-week Stop Binge Eating course opens for registration on January 28th. Stay tuned.
Until next time,