Weight loss or food freedom? Can they go together?

In the way I teach and coach clients, weight loss and freedom from food obsession go hand in hand.  But often in our thinking, they don't.  When you focus on weight loss alone, the obsession with food often increases as does the critical self-talk that shows up when you don't do something according to plan.  When you focus on freedom from food obsession alone, it can be easy to have a non-plan (in hopes of decreasing the obsession) and subsequently gain weight.  Is there a middle ground here where weight loss and food freedom can walk hand-in-hand?


What is food freedom?  Here's my definition: You don't think about food.  You don't worry about what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat.  It's automatic.  You no longer face decision-making fatigue day after day and meal after meal because all the decisions are taken care of.  You don't worry about how X and Y food will impact your weight.  Now here is where the partnership happens: Your weight magically goes down.  As you work your plan and all the mind drama around it, your weight goes down.  It's never about the weight.  The weight going down is a side product of the greater work you do in your mind.

I am an expert in helping people manage their minds only because I've learned (and am still learning) to manage my own.  Anything I teach is a result of what I've learned myself.

Weight loss and freedom from food obsession?  Yes.  They are a partnership, a match made in heaven.  They work in complete and utter harmony with each other.

Until next time,

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