2020 here we come!

2020 - the year of clear vision.  This idea came from one of my clients and I love it.  2020 vision is clear, not lacking, and in focus.  What better way to ring in the new decade?  Whether you make New Year's resolutions or not, now is a great time to think about where you are going and what you want.  Most people are too general in their goals and use lame words like "try" when describing them.  Losing weight, getting fit, doing better in your business, and making friends are not clear and specific enough.  Get crystal clear.  Don't start 2020 with watered down goals and intentions.

Start with the result you want.  Then ask: What actions would I need to take to achieve that result?  Then ask: What feelings would I need to have in order to drive me into the above action?  Then ask: What thoughts would I need to be thinking in order to feel that way?

Here is an example:

Result: Lose 30 pounds

Actions: In order to achieve the above result, I would need to 1) Find a food plan that I can stick to.  2) Address why I overeat.  3) Hire a coach.

Feeling: In order to follow through with the above actions, I would need to feel: determined, curious, and resilient.

Thoughts: In order to feel determined, I would need to think: "I will not stop pursuing this goal until I get the result I want."  In order to feel curious, I would need to think: "I will figure this out.  I am willing to try some new things."  In order to feel resilient, I would need to think: "I will keep getting up when I fail.  I will not give up."

This is the skeleton of a clear goal.  It does not need to be complex.  You do not need to have it all figured out.  You simply need clarity about what you want and what kinds of thoughts, feelings, and actions it will take to achieve the results you want.  Clarity can be one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit.

Here's to the year of clear vision!

Until next time,



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