lacking focus?

Do you have days where you feel scattered, unfocused, and lacking direction in your life?  I do.  Some days I wonder what the heck I am doing and why, days where I lack vitality and purpose in my body and mind, days where I am simply putting one foot in front of the other in a mechanical sense, just trying to get through the day.  I think this feeling is common to the human experience.  In my case, the scattered, unfocused feeling can come from lack of sleep and stress or overwhelm whether it be an obstacle I've run into, a relational frustration, or something I'm dreading in the future.  Here are some things I do when I feel this way:

  1.  Single task wholeheartedly.  Instead of trying to do two or three things at once, I pick one thing and really focus on that one thing.  It could be washing my hair, working on a blog post, or helping my son put together his basketball hoop.  Only one thing at a time.  This channels all of my energy into one task and makes me feel alive.
  2. Get moving.  Do 10 jumping jacks, take your dog for a walk, or lift something doesn't take much to physically wake up the nervous system.  This can provide the jump start you need for a more focused mind.
  3. Cuddle a pet.  Petting a cat or dog can elicit the relaxation response and a simple time out like this can re-calibrate scattered thoughts.  
  4. Write it down.  Make a To Do list and pick just one or two items to act on.  You may also want to write down a plan for your week, month, year, or next five years.  Writing down your to-do's, goals, and dreams, can remind you of what you are interested in, passionate about, and working towards.  This can give shape and direction to the seemingly mundane tasks of the day.
  5.  Act.  Carry out one small item on your to do list.  One small action often leads to another, and another.  Taking the smallest of actions is often the best medicine for getting mentally unstuck.

Just remember that you are human, and humans experience disconnect from time to time.  The beautiful thing is that we have the ability to regain focus, clarity and direction at any moment.

Until next time,



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