The answer is never to fix the other person

Life would be so much easier if we could control other people.  If I knew a way to do this, I would definitely share it with you and implement it myself.  But I don't.  So what are we left with?  The choice to let go of this false control and our ideas about how others should behave OR to swim in it and be frustrated.

"She shouldn't have done that to me."  Well she did, so actually she should have, is the reality.  We struggle when we argue with what is.  And yet the struggle is real.  It plays like an internal tug-o-war where you adjust and tighten your grip, dig your heels in, hold your breath, and PULL.  Reality pulls harder.  You lose your grip and regain it.  Your hands are blistering and your legs are shaking.  You are going all out on this one.  The sun is beating down.  Sweat is pouring down your face.  You give it your all until you just can't fight any longer.  You drop the rope.  Reality wins.  You walk away free.

The most difficult and freeing lesson ever is that reality always wins.  Always.  When you argue with reality, you lose.  Period.

"Life shouldn't be this way."  Yes it should.  How do you know that?  Because it is.  Once you can grasp that, you walk free.  Now you can focus your energy on the things you actually can control like your thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and results.  This is where life gets full and exciting.  This is the game you can win.

Until next time,

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