The wisdom of picking up quickly

Decide to live your life picking up quickly after falling down.  What do I mean by this?

A few days ago, I was annoyed with my partner because I was thinking he shouldn't have phoned his boss while I was struggling to find my way out of the parkade -- dumb, right?? We exchanged words and then sat in what he called "hostile silence" on the way home.  It felt awful.  Just gross.  We exchanged more words and then in a salty and still-annoyed manner, I stated my desire to move on with our day and "be normal" even though I sure wasn't feeling it.  And so together, we did (him quicker than me, mind you).  It took some work on my part to coax my brain into taking responsibility for myself instead of blaming him.  I'm so glad we were able to move on quickly rather than derailing the next few hours or the rest of the day.

This is what I mean by picking up quickly after falling down.  When you fall -- you have an argument with someone, you stress eat, you have a bad game -- get into the habit of returning quickly to the path you were on.  The quicker you return, the happier you will feel.  The quicker you return, the more powerful you will feel.  The quicker you return, the more fulfilled you will be.  When you develop consistency with this, you feel confident and unstoppable.

What does this look like?  In relationships, picking yourself up quickly means that you recognize that you are the cause of your feelings, not the other person.  This realization alone will expedite the process of moving on quickly.  With food, you focus on NOW, meaning the next meal, the next choice.  In both scenarios, you refrain from letting your brain go down into the swamp of the past, beating yourself or someone else up, or catastrophizing about the future.

Return to the path quickly.  Life is too short!


Until next time,

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