You can build a brain that does new habits on command

Why is it that you end up doing the very thing you set out NOT to do?  It’s like someone else takes over your body and brain when you go into “I’m doing this anyway” mode.  Four hours ago, you had your own back.  Now you totally don’t.  You go ahead and eat the food you promised yourself not to eat.  WTF?

When this happens, you’re simply following a program in your brain.  The program goes something like this: I’m going to eat the food because I’m tired or life got hard or I’m having a craving or I’m bad at saying no or or or…

You have done this a million times.  Your brain has memorized the pattern.  It’s an easy, well-oiled path.  You just slide on down.  You’ve heard the saying: neurons that fire together wire together.  We wouldn’t expect anything else.

You can create a different program in your brain, a program that goes like this: I’m NOT going to eat the food because I’m tired or life got hard or I’m have a craving or I’m bad at saying no or or or…You CAN create a new pattern, one that is just as easy and well oiled as the old one.

But you’re too busy being frustrated with yourself.

You’re too busy making empty promises to yourself with no plan.

You CAN wake up.  You CAN move in a different direction.  You CAN create an entirely new program in your brain, one that serves your biggest, most abundant life.

It’s eye-opening.  It’s FUN.  It becomes the new normal.

Come learn exactly how you can do this.  In my FREE masterclass, I’ll be teaching you the core elements for a binge-free life – one that does not take willpower and does not deprive you.  See you there!

Until next time,

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